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» ‘Aarjun pokhrel in todays diary :busy in mixing song of "premgeet" and "ma yesto geet gauxu"
‘Aarjun pokhrel in todays diary :busy in mixing song of "premgeet" and "ma yesto geet gauxu"
I always get up 6 am in the morning ,after freshing i directly went to my music school of putalisadak .I taught there about one and half hour and lived in the arranging of a song after simple breakfast .To arrange
a song takes time five to six hours ,instantly i came to my home after finishing of arrange .I had launch and again reached to there .
There was also a task to compose a song ,it also takes time to compose same as arrange .Onward the finishing of arranging and composing of two songs i arrived to musician studio .Now ,there has been mixing of song of two cinemas .
At first i did mixing of love story song of "Premgeet 2" then i am being busy in the mixing of love song of "ma yesto geet gauxu" movie .
There is being 11 pm to do mixing of this song and i use Facebook while getting lazy .I use to take some snacks when being late to go home .I do work according to my mood in night time ,either i read book or compose a song .
Today spent with so funny and work ,i was busy whole day in the task of music .I doing composing of song of two popular cinema together so that i want to mark 4.5 out of 5 .
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Filmy Song